Business Evolution

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Our service offering empowers businesses to harness the transformative power of innovation- and platform ecosystems, business models and new technologies, building sustainable growth strategies to create distinct competitive advantage.

Our Business Evolution Services consist of the following key components:

  • Strategic Analysis: We conduct in-depth assessments of internal and external factors to provide a solid baseline (as-is of business model, value streams, process, data and people). We futher enable to extrapolate and navigate evolving business landscapes through our way of looking at the future.
  • Technology Strategy: The potential of falling into the FOMO trap on emerging technologies is real. We evaluate wether Technology-Driven, or a Technology-Enabled Strategy is right for your business, guiding your teams in making informed decisions around strategic adoption and use of relevant technologies.
  • Connecting to Ecosystems: Because of the connected nature of WebDotX, every business  becomes part of an ecosystem (connections with your customers, partners, suppliers and other industry players). It implies moving from a company-centric value capture model towards a contribution-oriented and participatory value creation model. We help to evaluate how your organisation can create and capture value in an ecosystem (by connecting to or leading one), which role to assume there and in which areas your business model might need an adaption.


Average ROI per annum *

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The outcomes and deliverables include:


Under our purview *

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  • Clear strategic vision, which communicates  the future opportunities for the business to Leadership, Employess, and External Stakeholders, building on the current state.  The goal is to  capture and describe key sustainable competetive advantages, leading into the future.
  • The technology landscape captures and describes the driving and/or enabling techology trends that are relevant for the company's strategic vision. The opportunites that the curated set of technoloiges enables and the need to retire or retain parts of the existing tech stack will be captured here as well.
  • Ecosystems Radar, gives an overview of exsiting and emerging ecosystems, revevant for the business vision. It also facilitates mapping of the key existing and future value streams that are crucial for business success.
  • Enhanced Transparency, Communication & Collaboration: Strengthening communication between internal and external stakeholders, promoting collaboration and alignment with key strategic objectives.
  • Organizational Resilience & WebDotX Literacy: Fostering organizational resilience by empowering leadership with the digital fluency needed, and the ability to make informed decisions on future cultural, skill and competency needs.

     By partnering with us, your organization will be better positioned to thrive amidst the challenges and opportunities presented by WebDotX, ensuring long-term success and sustainable growth.

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